12/16/11: Adam Robinson, Douglas A. Martin, and Catherine Wagner

Hello out there,

Please join us for the final Pete's reading of the fall season! Readers are: Adam Robinson, Douglas A. Martin, and Catherine Wagner!

Bios and pics below.

Facebook invite here: http://www.facebook.com/?ref=hp#!/events/293219464050032/

See you there,
Dorothea Lasky


The Multifarious Array is a semi-monthly reading series featuring the very best poets at the very best place (Pete's Candy Store).

Pete's Candy Store is located at 709 Lorimer in Williamsburg Brooklyn. Take the G to the Metropolitan stop or the L to the Lorimer stop. (Map: http://www.petescandystore.com/petes_map.html)

Visit us online here: http://www.petescandystore.com/multifarious_array/multifarious_array.html
Also, visit us here: http://multifariousarray.blogspot.com/

Adam Robinson lives in Baltimore, where he runs Publishing Genius Press and plays guitar in Coach Taylor, a rock band. His first book, Adam Robison and Other Poems was nominated for the Goodreads Poetry Award. He self-published his second book, Say, Poem which he also self-awarded second place in the Stupid River Poetry Prize. He is the editor of Dzanc Books' Best of the Web 2011. Robinson has an MFA from the University of Baltimore and is a contributor to HTMLGiant.

Cathy Wagner's books include Miss America (2000), Macular Hole (2004), and My New Job (2009), all from Fence, and Nervous Device (forthcoming in 2012 from City Lights). Her work will appear in the new editions of the Norton Anthology of Postmodern American Poetry and Out of Everywhere: Innovative Poetry by Women in the UK and North America. She lives in Oxford, Ohio, and teaches at Miami University.

Douglas A. Martin lives in Brooklyn and is currently teaching at Wesleyan University and at Goddard College in the low-residency MFA. His books of poetry and prose include: Your Body Figured (Nightboat Books), recently translated into Portuguese; Once You Go Back (Seven Stories Press); and In the Time of Assignments (Soft Skull Press). Outline of My Lover, his first novel, is presently being translated into Italian for future publication.

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