11/4: David Blair, Anne Boyer, and Ryan Eckes

Dear Poets,

They say that November is our month. Well, what if that is true?

Everything has gone through flux and back again. Now the vines and the trees are still.

Just like us. Oh no, that's not right--we do like a fine event.

This Friday, we bring to you one of these. Please join me in welcoming:

David Blair, Anne Boyer, and Ryan Eckes!

To the stage at Pete's Candy Store.

Readings start at 7. Bios and pics below. Facebook extends here.

See you there,
Dorothea Lasky

The Multifarious Array is a semi-monthly reading series featuring the very best poets at the very best place (Pete's Candy Store).

Pete's Candy Store is located at 709 Lorimer in Williamsburg Brooklyn. Take the G to the Metropolitan stop or the L to the Lorimer stop. (Map: http://www.petescandystore.com/petes_map.html)

Visit us online here: http://www.petescandystore.com/multifarious_array/multifarious_array.html
Also, visit us here: http://multifariousarray.blogspot.com/

Ryan Eckes was born in 1979 in Philadelphia. He's the author of Old News (Furniture Press 2011) and when i come here (Plan B Press 2007). More of his poetry can be found on his blog, ryaneckes.blogspot.com, and in various magazines. He works as an adjunct English professor at Temple University and other places.

David Blair's first book Ascension Days was chosen by Thomas Lux for the Del Sol Poetry Prize. His poems have recently appeared in The Hat, Ploughshares, Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet, and Slate Magazine. He is an associate professor at The New England Institute of Art in Brookline, Massaschusetts.

Anne Boyer is the author of The Romance of Happy Workers, from Coffee House Press (2008), and a forthcoming novel from Bloof Books, JOAN. Her other works include Anne Boyer’s Good Apocalypse (Effing Press 2006), Selected Dreams with a Note on Phrenology (2007), Art is War(Mitzvah Chaps 2008), The 2000s (Free Poetry 2009), and most recently, My Common Heart, available from Spooky Girlfriend Press. She is an Assistant Professor of the Liberal Arts at the Kansas City Art Institute.

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