9/30: Madhu Kaza, Adam Fitzgerald, and Stan Mir


We hear that you like poetry. Well then, you are in luck, because that's what we do around here.

On 9/30, at 7 p.m., we have three great poets and writers for you: Stan Mir, Madhu Kaza, and Adam Fitzgerald. Pics and bios below.

Facebook invite HERE.

See you there!
Dorothea Lasky and Thom Donovan

The Multifarious Array is a semi-monthly reading series featuring the very best poets at the very best place (Pete's Candy Store).

Pete's Candy Store is located at 709 Lorimer in Williamsburg Brooklyn. Take the G to the Metropolitan stop or the L to the Lorimer stop. (Map: http://www.petescandystore.com/petes_map.html)


Stan Mir is the author of The Lacustrine Suite (Pavement Saw, 2011), Song & Glass (Subito, 2010), Test Patterns,and Flight Patterns (JR Vansant, 2010, 2009). He lives in Philadelphia where he co-organizes the Chapter & Verse reading series and occasionally writes for his blog Best Nightmare You Get! Recently, he co-edited the Lew Welch page for the Electronic Poetry Center.

Adam Fitzgerald edits Maggy and is founding editor for Monk Books. His poems, interviews and essays have appeared or are forthcoming in Boston Review, Fortnight Journal, Los Angeles Review of Books, Post Road, Rain Taxi, The Brooklyn Rail and elsewhere. He teaches creative writing at Rutgers University and lives in the East Village.

Madhu Kaza was born in Andhra Pradesh, India and grew up in Detroit, Michigan. She is currently an educator, writer and artist based in New York, where she is at work on her first novel.

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