Aaron Tieger, Jeni Olin, Georgia Luna & Dan Hoy

Friday, May 28th, 7pm

Aaron Tieger is most recently the author of Secret Donut (Pressed Wafer, 2009). His many chapbooks include Recently Clouds (with Jess Mynes), The Collected Typos of Aaron Tieger, Necco Face (with Jess Mynes and Michael Carr), and Anxiety Chant. He is the publisher of Petrichord Books. He lives in Cambridge, MA and here he is in Coconut.

Jeni Olin has a new collection, Hold Tight: The Truck Darling Poems, forthcoming from Hanging Loose Press this year. Her first book, Blue Collar Holiday, with art by Larry Rivers, was published by Hanging Loose in April, 2005. Recent poems have been published in Hanging Loose 95, LIT 17 & The Portable Boog Reader 4. Here she is in Jacket and EOAGH.

Collagist/poet Georgia Luna was a featured reader at the Pax Americana Poet Insurgency with Rene Ricard and Bernadette Mayer. She studied with Emily Moore, Steve Burt, Alex Lemon and Wang Ping and is a prodigal member of Brevitas email poetry collective. Her interests include maps, public transportation systems, and celebrity meltdowns. Sometimes she writes inconsequential things in the third person here.

Dan Hoy lives in Brooklyn and is co-founder of SOFT TARGETS, a magazine of art, literature, and philosophy. His work includes Glory Hole (Mal-O-Mar, published with Jon Leon’s The Hot Tub, 2009), Basic Instinct: Poems (Triple Canopy, 2008), and Outtakes (Lame House Press, 2007). Here he is in Coconut.

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