Tony Mancus, Myronn Hardy & Jess Mynes

Friday, March 20th, 7pm

Tony Mancus currently lives in Queens. He teaches writing at Montclair State University and Hunter College. His poems have appeared or will be appearing in cream city review, H_ngm_n, Forklift, Ohio, Handsome and elsewhere (like space perhaps--feel free to cut that--i like my bios dry like good wine--like riunite lambrusco, which wait...). He is co-founder of Flying Guillotine Press with SB and they make small books. Here he is in 42opus and an interview.

Myronn Hardy is the author of two volumes of poetry, Approaching the Center, which won the PEN/Oakland Josephine Miles Award, and The Headless Saints both published by New Issues Press. His poems have appeared in Ploughshares, The Virginia Quarterly Review, Indiana Review, FIELD, Versal (Amsterdam), Third Coast, and elsewhere. He lives in New York City.

Jess Mynes is the author of several published works, including: Birds for Example (CARVE Editions), In(ex)teriors (Anchorite Press), and If and When (Katalanche Press). His Sky Brightly Picked (Skysill Press) and Recently Clouds (Petrichord Books), a collaboration with poet Aaron Tieger, are to be published in 2009. He is the editor of Fewer & Further Press and he co-curates a reading series in Western, MA, All Small Caps. He also authors a mind boggling crossover dribble. Here he is in Shampoo.

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